Mercedes O 530 Citaro

EZ: 01/2011, 220 kW (299 PS)

New S 415 UL for Bohr Reisen

Daaden 28.02.2013

On Friday, 28.02.2013 Bohr Omnibus GmbH took over their new Setra 415 UL on the premises of the Setra Customer Center in Neu-Ulm. ...

Setra 431 DT for Elbus Reisen

Daaden 30.07.2012

On Monday the 30th of July 2012 the company Elbus Reisen received their new Setra 431 DT on the premises of the Setra Customer Center in Neu-Ulm. ...

A new S 419 GT-HD for Hunau Reisen

Daaden 28.03.2012

We are happy to hand over to the company Hunau Reisen, their new Setra 419 GT-HD on the premises of the Setra Customer Center in Neu-Ulm on 28.03.2012. ...

New Setra 415 HDH for Germscheid Reisen

Daaden 06.03.2012

We are happy to hand over to H.W. Germscheid from Asbach their new Setra 415 HDH on the premises of the Setra Customer Center in Neu-Ulm. ...

New Setra 415 HD for König Reisen

Daaden 23.01.2012

The company König Reisen from Wirges received their new S 415 HD in Neu-Ulm on Monday, 23.01.2012. ...

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