Mercedes O 530 Citaro

EZ: 01/2011, 220 kW (299 PS)

2 new Setra for Königs Reisen

Daaden 20.04.2011

On Friday, 20.04.2011 the company Königs Reisen from Wirges received their new Setra buses on the premises of the Setra Customer Center in Neu-Ulm.

br /> The Setra 411 HD has all the qualities of its big brothers, from luxurious travel chairs and comfort qualities - such as legendary quiet running - to design and exemplary safety features.

The third axis of the Setra S 416 GT-HD opens up more flexibility for Königs Reisen through higher payload. For example, if you want to avoid axle restrictions in cross-border traffic.

We wish Königs Reisen every success and all the best with their new Setra buses.

< Another Setra for Runkel Reisen

Setra 415 NF for Wallmeroth Reisen >